

Downloading Open-DIS

Open-DIS is hosted at, the leading open source development site. Open-DIS can be downloaded via two basic mechanisms: prepackaged .tar.gz files, or via the Subversion source code control system.

Pre-Packaged Downloads

Downloads from sourceforge and its mirrored sites are available here. This mechanism is useful if you want to download a recognized milestone release. It is the preferred mechanism for most users. There are two releases for the package, one a binary release with only Java .jar files and javadoc documentation, and one a source code release with code for Java, C++, and C#. C++ and C# users will need to compile the code on their own platform; we do not provide pre-compiled binaries.

There are two packages, open-DIS and open-dis-enumerations. The first is the implementation of the DIS protocol PDUs. The second is an implementation of the enumerations for binary values, aka the EBV values, translated to Java language implementations.

Source Code Control

Between major releases the source code is periodically updated by developers. The code may be in an unstable state, but may also contain bug fixes critical to your application. This is very much a riskier path.

Open-DIS uses the Subversion source code control system. The canonical book on using subversion is document from O’Reilly, Subversion. It is available free and online here.

Subversion access is described at the sourceforge page here.

To check out the trunk, the main branch of the code being currently worked on by developers from the command line you can use

svn co

There are a number of GUI-based SVN clients, including Tortise SVN. There are many plugins for IDEs such as Netbeans and Eclipse.